To all LYFC families,

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend!  Clearly we have faced some unprecedented times the past few months, and the uncertainty can be frustrating to say the least.  Since the beginning of the year, the LYFC Board has been meeting regularly, preparing for what we hope will be another great year for the LYFC program.  The Board has been following the guidance around Covid-19 from state/county officials, health organizations as well as Narrows Youth Football League, WIAA and Bellarmine Prep. Unfortunately, we still don’t have much clarity around what impacts the Covid-19 pandemic will have on the 2020 season.  We will continue to stay on top of the situation and provide updates to all of our families as we learn more.

That all said, here are a few note worthy items to bring to your attention:

  1. Registration– The 2020 registration is still open!  If you have not signed up please do so as soon as possible. Go to to reserve a spot today.  If you choose, it is NOT necessary to pay registration fees at this moment, that can be dealt with as we get closer to equipment handout this summer.
  2. Lion Store – The Lions online store is open thru June 7th.  Once again, we have some great gear available for you and your child. Visit the LYFC website ( and click on Lions Store.
  3. Sports Trainer – Given the safety of your child is a top priority, this year the LYFC Board has made the decision to hire a sports trainer to be present at all Lions home games.  We are working to put a company on contract and will provide more information as we work through the details.
  4. Volunteers – The success of this program is only as strong as those that volunteer to make it a success.  There are some great opportunities for you to get more involved right now to show your support for the club and community.  For more information please email the Board at

Despite the impacts of the pandemic, the LYFC continues to plan for an outstanding 2020 LYFC season.  We will continue to keep you posted as we learn more from government officials, health organizations, the Narrows Youth Football League and Bellarmine Prep officials as it relates to the 2020 LYFC season.

Stay safe, stay healthy…and Go Lions!

Vic Leverett
President – LYFC Board

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